Monday, December 17, 2012

Bouncin' Ball #2: KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid

Animation is hard... and rightfully so. If that's the case, then it would only make sense to keep things as simple as possible right? Right! So, why don't we keep things simple? It seems like after being told that over and over and over again, it continues to elude all of us at some point in time: whether it's the first time we're tackling something animation-wise, or we really already know better from experience but are choosing to over complicate things for one reason or another and will end up having to blow away a lot of our keys later on. 

As simple as we think we're making it, MAKE IT SIMPLER! It's already challenging enough making sure that all of the principles are being executed correctly, why add more on top of that? Boil things down to their root essence, the bare bones in a sense, the pure guts and make it sing. This is especially true when you're still paying your dues and learning to animate and is even still true when you're working in a professional environment. 

I hate to call it this, but it's somewhat of a rookie mistake, even though as I've mentioned previously in a post that there are no rules set in stone in animation. There quite a few rookie mistakes, or animation traps that we all tend to fall into while learning. I'll get around to more of those in later posts, but in the mean time, KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid and Keep that Ball Bouncin'!


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