Monday, February 18, 2013

Bouncin' Ball #6: Control

I think the topic that I'm going to cover today has been referred to in a couple of different ways. I remember reading about it on Jean Dean Haas' blog and he referred to it as "animation jerk off". I'd just like to refer to it as "Control". Animate with control. This is another one of those things that students just beginning to learn animation struggle with as well: the discipline to not animate just to animate. More often than not, all of the animation that you create should be character driven. Don't just animate something a certain way just because it looks good "animationally" (I coined that myself =D), it should be necessary and it should be genuine to what the character feels at the moment. Now, just as with all things in animation and all rules, there are exceptions, but most of the time you're striving to achieve the right balance of what looks good "animationally" and what feels good acting wise. Just because a certain movement or gesture may look nice and be pretty to watch, it may still feel very empty and not very genuine. The most resonating performances always affect people emotionally, they move people, they connect with people. That doesn't just go for animation, that goes for any art form. So as tempting as it is to "move stuff because it's awesome" practice control and let the character speak their mind and not just you yours. Work together with your character and find out how both of you can get the most satisfaction out of what you create so that hopefully you can create a resonating performance for the normal audience and beautiful animation for the animation audience. Remember, "Control", and keep that ball bouncin'!


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